Thursday, August 18, 2011

Out on Prospect Lake

We were house / dog-sitting for Todd and Kimberly while they were away, and thought we'd take advantage of a beautiful evening to take the boat out on the lake. Kyle even let me drive for a little while.....

"Ohmygod, ohmygod, ohmygod!"

Ahh, summer!

The Edwards' in Victoria

Dinner at Swan's Brewpub on their last night on Vancouver Island.
(Also celebrating Rachel's acceptance to University - Yay, Rache!)

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Seattle Aquarium

We took a road trip to Seattle to visit with my family from Wales and Michigan who were in town for Lynne and Alex's wedding! I hadn't seen these family members for a decade, and I was thrilled to meet up with them for the celebration!
We did the tourist thing and checked out the Aquarium.

I touched a sea star

Sonia was very interested in the Octopus, but was concerned for Mr. Potato Head in the tank!

Gareth, George, Jo, James, Sonia and Jane check out the touch tank


I nearly missed this guy until Kyle pointed him out - At first glance I thought he was a rock!

This Skate really, really creeped me out!


Seattle - Harbour Tour

While in Seattle visiting my family while they were in Washington, we all loaded onto a boat for a sea tour of the waterfront

The boat we rode on

Having our photo taken before boarding the ship

Kyle and I enjoying our tour!

Seattle Skyline

Monday, August 15, 2011

Lynne and Alex's Wedding - August 12, 2011 - Seattle

Kyle and I at Gasworks Park, waiting for the ceremony to begin

Lynne and Alex were smiling throughout the entire ceremony!

The Kiss!

The Edwards Clan enjoying some champagne on the shuttle bus to the reception venue

Mr. and Mrs. on the shuttle bus

Jane demonstrating the correct way to open a champagne bottle in a room full of people


Darrell (father of the bride, and my dad's cousin) and I at the Blue Ribbon Culinary School, where the reception was held